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Balance Hormones & Eliminate GI Symptoms With Your Diet

Are you tired of running in circles to overcome bloating, fatigue, PMS, irregular periods, or other hormonal and gut symptoms?

It's time for a different approach.


With holistic nutrition therapy, you will:

âś” Gain Clarity: Nutrition and wellness can be confusing! I'll help you navigate fact from fiction with evidence-based support and strategies.

âś” Balance Your Hormones: Bid farewell to mood swings, energy crashes, and hormone havoc. Discover how nutrition can help bring harmony back to your body.

âś” Soothe Your Digestion: No more uncomfortable bloating or unpredictable bathroom trips. Experience the relief of a happy, balanced gut.

âś” Renew Your Vitality: Unlock a newfound energy and vitality that propels you through your day with ease and joy.


Holistic Wellness Offerings

1:1 Nutrition Coaching

A personalized and customized approach to your wellbeing


Functional Lab Testing

Connect the symptom to the imbalance with comprehensive testing


Blood Sugar Course

Where health-conscious seekers find effective blood sugar solutions


Free Consultations

Discover the services offered to you
through a FREE 30-minute consultation


Meal Planning

Tailored meal plans based on lifestyle, dietary needs, likes, and dislikes


The Hive Collective

A FREE monthly Q&A to connect to get your wellness questions answered


Holistic nutrition therapy is not just about counting calories, eliminating foods, or following the latest diet trend.


Holistic nutrition therapy is a personalized journey tailored to your body's unique needs to restore and optimize your health.


Say goodbye to cookie-cutter solutions and hello to a holistic approach that honors your individuality.


Client Wellness Wins

"I worked with Bee Collective Wellness to help me understand my irregular cycles. She lined me up with ideas of mindfulness, movement as well as supplements and meal plans to help me support my body. Her knowledge is vast and she is determined to help make a difference. Her coaching made a difference and changed my life." - Laura K.

"Brandee has been the ultimate resource when it has come to my nutrition and health story. She has supported the transition I’ve made around my relationship with food and navigated my protocols with candida and Lyme disease while providing an environment where I can show up as my authentic self. Brandee is more than just a nutritionist coach - she is a cheerleader, a shoulder to cry on, and the best advocate I have in my health journey toolbox." - Megan F.

Is holistic nutrition therapy right for you?

Have you ever felt like something was a little off with your hormones or gut health?

Like no matter how many doctors you went to, diets you've tried, workout classes you've taken, and Google searches you've done, you're still dealing with fatigue, brain fog, bloating, irregular cycles, and/or terrible PMS?

If so, then nutrition therapy is right for you.

I'll help you tune out the world of toxic diet culture and build a stable and healthy relationship with food. I'll guide you to embrace the healing nature of wholesome food and wellness practices.


Hi! I'm Brandee,

Certified Nutrition Therapy Practitioner & Diet Culture Drop-Out

I, too, have struggled with my own hormonal imbalances and received a diagnosis of PCOS (polycystic ovarian syndrome) at the age of 38. My journey with hormone balancing - PCOS and perimenopause, gut imbalances, and food has fueled me to educate and empower women and their wellness.


Hi! I'm Brandee,

Certified Nutrition Therapy Practitioner & Diet Culture Drop-Out

I, too, have struggled with my own hormonal imbalances and received a diagnosis of PCOS (polycystic ovarian syndrome) at the age of 38. My journey with hormone balancing - PCOS and perimenopause, gut imbalances, and food has fueled me to educate and empower women and their wellness.


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